
(2010-09-03)Coalition sets out energy policy as new analysis points to scale of 2050 challenge

Recently, a good news come from UK for all led lights and led street lights producers in china. The UK’s energy and climate change policy was recalibrated for the long term, supported for the first time by comprehensive analysis of plausible pathways to a secure, low carbon energy system in 2050.

In the first ever Annual Energy Statement to Parliament, Energy and Climate Change Secretary Chris Huhne set out 32 actions being taken to accelerate the transformation of the energy system and wider economy.

Groundbreaking '2050' analysis is published alongside, including six illustrative 'pathways' showing that meeting the target of an 80% cut in emissions by 2050 is ambitious but achievable, and compatible with maintaining security of energy supplies. A do-nothing 'reference' scenario highlights the risks of a high carbon future. An online '2050 Calculator' also goes live, enabling the public to explore the trade-offs inherent in designing the future secure, low carbon energy system and wider economy.

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